Monday, October 28, 2013

Kniting Basket

I did this cake for my mom who likes to Knit. She makes Christmas Stockings for everyone with their name on it. She gets alot of orders for them. Ckae is Lemon, yarn is rice crispies with fondant, stocking is fondant and knitting needles are skewers with fondant

Very cute and such a lovely thing to do for your mom!! :-D
What a great cake Lucy!!
Nice design!
what a cute idea Lucy.. love it
Very cute. You did a great job.
I love this concept..I bet your mom was thrilled....!!
Thanks everyone. It was fun to do. I don't work with fondant much. I think my stocking was to thin but my mom really loved it.
Nice idea. I bet mom loved that you took the time and thought to do this for her.

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